How to Exercise Your Data Rights

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Depending on where you reside and your relationship with TriNet, you may have certain legal rights regarding the Personal Information we process about you.  The following explains the types of relationships TriNet may have with you, each data right request option, followed by TriNet’s data rights request process. 

Your Relationship with TriNet

If you are/were a TriNet Colleague, WSE, job applicant, prospective customer, vendor/supplier contact, etc., we may have a direct relationship with you; therefore, we will correspond directly with you regarding your data rights requests.   

If you are an employee of a company using our SaaS/ASO products/services for their own human resources needs, we may have an indirect relationship with you.  As such, we will forward data rights requests that you submit to TriNet to the appropriate business/entity (such as your employer). 

In the event we cannot directly respond to your request, we will notify you following your submission of the request to TriNet. Please note that TriNet’s response to your rights request is dictated by applicable law and our contractual obligations and therefore we’re unable to make any exceptions to our standard processes.

Data Rights Requests

Request to Know

You have the right to know what Personal Information we maintain about you as well as to request access to and/or obtain a copy of the Personal Information we maintain about you.  If you have TriNet PEO or SaaS/ASO platform user credentials, you can access your information directly. 

Click here to access the TriNet PEO platform ( to view the information contained in the platform or contact TriNet.  

Click here to access the TriNet SaaS/ASO platform to view the information contained in the platform or contact TriNet.   

If you are unable to access your information directly or if you would like to obtain a copy of your information, see the Submitting a Data Rights Request section below to submit a request.  If we can fulfil your access/copy request directly, TriNet will provide you with a data report that describes the Personal Information TriNet has collected or disclosed about you in, at minimum, the last 12 months.  Please note that the information contained in the data report may be limited by certain provisions of applicable laws or regulations.

Request to Delete/”Be Forgotten”

With certain exceptions, you have the right to request TriNet delete the Personal Information we have collected about you.  TriNet’s ability to comply with your deletion request is impacted by other laws/regulations applicable to that information and your relationship with TriNet, as described in the Your Relationship with TriNet section above. 

See the Submitting a Data Rights Request section to submit a request.

Request to Correct Personal Information

You have the right to request the Personal Information TriNet maintains about you to be corrected.  You can access and correct your information directly or submit a data rights request.

If you are an employee of a TriNet PEO or SaaS/ASO customer you can manage your Personal Information directly by 1) logging in to the applicable platform to access your account, or 2) by contacting TriNet or your employer’s human resources representative/SaaS platform administrator. 

Click here to access the TriNet PEO platform ( to view the information contained in the platform or contact TriNet.  

Click here to access the TriNet SaaS/ASO platform to view the information contained in the platform, or contact your employer’s human resources representative/SaaS platform administrator, or TriNet representative.    

See the Submitting a Data Rights Request section to submit a request.

Do Not Sell My Information

TriNet does not sell your Personal Information. However, to the extent that the collection or sharing of Personal Information through any cookies or similar technologies, as applicable, constitutes a “sale”, you can opt out by using a web browser that supports do-not-track functionality, and/or by clicking on the “Cookie Settings” button below and opting out of Advertising Cookies.

TriNet does not sell information about minors.  Please see TriNet’s Privacy Policy concerning TriNet’s data collection, sale, and disclosure practices.

Data Rights Request Process

TriNet offers a variety of ways to submit a data rights request.  Upon receipt of a request, TriNet must verify the identity of the individual submitting the request (“Requester”) and the person the request is about (“Requestee”) and, upon verification, will respond accordingly.  The following explains what to expect during the process.   

Submitting a Data Rights Request

To submit a data rights request, either for yourself or on the behalf of someone else, select from the following options:

  • TriNet PEO Worksite Employee (WSE) – click here* and use the log in option
  • All other TriNet PEO Requester/Requestee types – click here and proceed as a guest user option*
  • TriNet SaaS/ASO Customer Employee (e.g., Zenefits) – click here+
  • All other SaaS/ASO Requester/Requestee types – click here+
  • Current TriNet Colleagues – click here and use the log in option*
  • Former TriNet Colleagues - click here and proceed as a guest user*
  • TriNet Job Applicants - click here and proceed as a guest user*
  • Contact a TriNet representative

*TriNet will respond directly to these requests.

+TriNet will forward these requests to your employer. We are unable to respond directly.

TriNet Response Timing

TriNet will attempt to fulfill verified requests within 30 days of receipt. However, the period for responding to your verified request may be extended, based on the complexity and the number of requests received. If the allowable extension is required, TriNet will communicate the need for an extension and the reason(s) within the first 30 days of receiving the request.

If TriNet is unable to successfully verify the Requester and/or Requestee’s identity, we will be unable to fulfill the request. If this is the case, you will be notified within the first 30 days of receiving the request and directed to TriNet’s Privacy Policy concerning our data collection, sale, and disclosure practices.

For requests that TriNet cannot respond to directly, we will forward the request to the applicable business (e.g., your employer) within a reasonable amount of time.

Data Rights Request Communications

TriNet will, unless another method is more appropriate, communicate with you about your request via email.

The emails will include confirmation of receipt of your request, may request you or the Requestee provide additional information, as well as include access to your request and any information we provide back to you, such as a data report.

We will also notify you via email if we are unable to fulfill your request and the reasons for that.

Data Rights Request Denials

Reasons why we will not, or may not, be able to fulfill some or all your data rights request include (but are not limited to):

  • If we can’t verify the Requester or Requestee’s identity/authority to receive such information.  Please refer to the Identify Verification section for more information,
  • If we can’t match the data we have on file to your verified credentials,
  • If we do not have the authority to fulfill the request, such as not having a direct relationship with the Requester and/or Requestee or do not have their Personal Information,
  • If we are otherwise restricted due to other legal/regulatory obligations.

The reason(s) will be communicated to you as part of the rights request communications process.

Data Rights Request Identity Verification Process

A Requester may submit a data rights requests on their own behalf, so they are also the subject of the request of “Requestee”, or on the behalf of someone else who is the Requestee.  When submitting a data rights request on behalf of someone else, the Requester may also be referred to as the “Authorized Agent”.  Requester/Authorized Agents may also submit a verifiable request on behalf of a minor child.   

The objective of TriNet’s identity verification process is to verify the Requester/Authorized Agent and the Requestee’s identity and authority to make the request, as well as confirm that the Personal Information in TriNet’s possession relates to the Requestee.

Regardless of the type of request or who submits it, TriNet requires verification of the identity of the Requester/Authorized Agent and the Requestee.  If we are unable to verify either or both, the request will be declined to protect the privacy of the Requestee.  Submitting a verifiable request does not require you to create an account with us. 

For more information about using or acting as an Authorized Agents to submit data rights requests, please see the Authorized Agents Process section below.

Data Rights Request Authorized Agents Process

Data privacy laws, such as the CCPA, allow individuals to engage an Authorized Agent to submit data rights requests to TriNet on their behalf.  If you have elected to use an Authorized Agent, or if you’re an Authorized Agent who would like to submit requests on behalf of a Requestee, the following minimum procedures will be required prior to acceptance of the request.

For the safety and security of the Requestee’s Personal Information, requests that are submitted to TriNet by an Authorized Agent will require a direct method of communication, preferably a valid email address, with the Requestee.

All Authorized Agents will be required to successfully complete the minimum requirements outlined below before any data rights request will be accepted. 

Authorized Agent Verification Process

In addition to the Requestee’s identity verification, Authorized Agents will be required to submit the following written documentation:

Businesses – if you are a business acting as an Authorized Agent on behalf of an individual, the following documentation is required:

  • Certificate of good standing with your state of incorporation;
  • Written authorization document that includes each Requestee’s name, address, telephone number and valid email address, signed and dated by each Requestee authorizing you, as the authorized agent, to act on behalf of each Requestee;
  • Valid email address for each Requestee for TriNet’s direct correspondence with each Requestee, including an identity verification process to be conducted by TriNet directly with that Requestee; and
  • Signed affidavit (click here to obtain a copy to complete) attesting that you understand TriNet is relying on the information you provide to respond to a data rights request in accordance with law.

Individuals – if you are an individual acting as an Authorized Agent on behalf of a Requestee, the following documentation is required:

  • A “power of attorney”, or similar document, signed and dated by the Requestee naming you their authorized representative, which includes their full name and physical address and their month/year of birth; and
  • Valid email address for the Requestee for TriNet’s direct correspondence with them, including an identity verification process to be conducted by TriNet directly with the Requestee; and
  • Signed affidavit (click here to obtain a copy to complete) attesting that you understand TriNet is relying on the information you provide to respond to a data rights request in accordance with the law.

Parent/Guardian of Minor Child* – If you are a parent or guardian of a minor child under 16 and would like to make a data rights request on behalf of the minor child, the following documentation will be required:

  • The minor’s verification documents, which includes all the following:
    • A certified copy of the minor’s birth certificate or adoption decree
    • Health insurance card (issued by the insurance company)
    • Medicare/Medicaid are accepted
    • The minor’s Social Security card
    • Certified school record or transcript or home school notice of intent form that includes minor’s permanent address
  • Proof of parental/guardianship identity document that matches the minor’s permanent residence, which includes one of the following:
    • Minor’s court order establishing custody
    • Minor’s order establishing guardianship
    • Court issued parental responsibility (for example, court documents on file with presiding court)
    • Current month’s utility bill with parent/guardian’s name and address shown

*For the safety and security of the minor child, no location information will be provided in any data report issued.

See the Submitting a Data Rights Request section for instructions on submitting a data rights request. 

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions or complaints regarding your privacy rights and data rights requests, please contact us at:

TriNet Group, Inc.,
One Park Place,
Ste 600
Dublin, CA 94568
Attention: Chief Privacy Officer, Privacy Office

You may also visit our Contact Us page for other methods of communicating with us.

If you are unable to resolve your concern by contacting us, you may lodge a complaint with your local regulatory authorities.

ESAC Accreditation
We comply with all ESAC standards and maintain ESAC accreditation since 1995.
Certified PEO
A TriNet subsidiary is classified as a Certified Professional Employer Organization by the IRS.