3. Employee Healthcare Coverage

In the face of the crisis, 3 in 5 (58%) of small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are investing in the health of their workforce by adjusting healthcare benefits or offering guidance to employees. Provisions in the CARES Act allowed insurers and policy-holders to add benefits or reduce cost-sharing mid-year in light of COVID-19.
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Episode 3|4 min
Published: April 23, 2020

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Post 4|5 min
Published: April 24, 2020
Controlling Costs and Strategic Investment
Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are working hard to adapt to the current situation. They’re making strategic operational choices, including cutting costs, in order to invest in the long term success of their business. Though a majority of SMBs continue to be hit with revenue losses since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, they are making intentional choices about cost cutting. Two thirds (66%) of those who cut costs in some way are confident these decisions will help them weather the pandemic.
Post 5|3 min
Published: April 27, 2020
Enabling Remote Work
92% of SMBs have made efforts to shift to a remote workforce as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. While 75% of those say shifting to a remote workforce has been challenging, 65% wish they had moved to a remote model earlier.
Post 6|4 min
Published: April 30, 2020
Supporting Employee Wellbeing
Most small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) have taken concrete actions to enhance employee wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic. The most common and effective of these actions has been allowing for the flexibility to balance the new work/home life conditions. All things considered, the majority of SMB employees remain optimistic in light of the pandemic.
Post 7|5 min
Published: May 1, 2020
HR Support
Most small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) say the COVID-19 pandemic will change the way their business approaches HR in the future, especially when it comes to improving employee morale and health/ safety. With the pandemic revealing some aspects of their current HR capabilities as lacking, SMB leaders recognize the need for additional HR support as they move forward.