Expense Management

Stay on top of business expenses using our integrated expense management and reporting tools.

Expenses Made Easy
TriNet Expense Management automates the expense report process online or from a mobile device.
Choose from nearly 20,000 credit and debit cards for secure download. Our technology categorizes and displays the expenses.
Detailed analytics
Understand spend and usage with advanced analytics that show detailed historical spending by date range and user across expense categories, merchants, clients, projects and tags.
Paperless processes
Employees can upload scanned receipts or snap a picture from our mobile app.
Mobile expense app

Mobile expense app

HR doesn’t always happen at the office. Our mobile expense app gives you the flexibility to approve and reimburse your employees anytime. Choose from iOS or Android device apps to record cash expenditures and mileage, snap pictures of receipts or edit existing expenses imported from a credit card.

Integrate your accounting

Export expense report data from our expense management software directly into your TriNet payroll, accounting or general ledger system on our platform. Supported integrations include NetSuite, Intacct, and QuickBooks™ Online. To better understand and manage spending, you can view detailed historical spending by date and user across expense categories, merchants, clients, projects and tags.

Expense Management

Mileage reimbursement

It takes just a few clicks to record and track mileage, online or through our mobile app. Simply enter the starting point and destination and the app will automatically calculate the distance. For more accurate calculations, drag the mileage direction line to the actual route driven.

Expenses customized for you

Expenses customized for you

Select from a wide range of expense categories or create custom categories to meet your expense reporting needs. Customized expense policies and per diems can be set up with automatic notifications sent to employees if an expense is in violation.


Can I manage expenses with a corporate card?

Enable spend management by leveraging the power of a corporate card through our integration with RAMP.

Learn how TriNet’s comprehensive HR solutions can help your business.

Fill out the form and we’ll contact you to set up a time to chat.
I have employees in multiple states*
ESAC Accreditation
We comply with all ESAC standards and maintain ESAC accreditation since 1995.
Certified PEO
A TriNet subsidiary is classified as a Certified Professional Employer Organization by the IRS.