The U.S. Department of Labor prohibits discriminatory employment practices through the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Disparate treatment is a legal term used by EEOC to describe intentional discrimination in the workplace. It occurs when employers treat individuals or groups of people in protected classes with less favorable employment conditions than those who are not. Federal, state, and many county and local laws ban disparate or unequal treatment. Disparate treatment can occur at any time throughout the process from:
Discrimination occurs when business leaders exclude an individual or category of workers based on their protected status or treat those workers or applicants differently or less favorably.
At the federal level, there are 9 main classes of protected workers. These include applicants and employees based on:
Many locales protect additional classes of workers and applicants. These can include marital status, criminal history, and more. Check with local and state Departments of Labor for detailed information. It’s a best practice to understand what the law is where you do business to assure your organization is in compliance.
Disparate treatment occurs when a person or group of people in a protected class are denied employment privileges or rights that non-protected class workers enjoy. Worker’s rights begin at the recruitment process; individuals can have a valid claim of disparate treatment without even being hired. At every stage of employment, disparate treatment can occur.
Disparate treatment occurs when recruiters and hiring managers exclude applications and resumes from candidates they believe might be in a protected group. Not selecting a candidate based on name, perceived gender, school(s) attended, or the area they live is discriminatory if these variables suggest a protected class. Research verifies people with ‘distinctively black names,’ on average, are called in for an interview less frequently than applicants with less ethnic names. The data suggests disparate treatment begins long before the hiring process.
To combat this bias, many organizations moved recruitment screening to automated services. This type of service is programmed to disregard information that suggests an applicant’s:
But AI is not perfect. Depending on the algorithm, there still may be bias in the selection process. One company found their technology-based selection on two areas of predicted job performance: the applicant’s name was Jared, or they played La Crosse in high school. The EEOC has warned employers that blaming the algorithm is not an affirmative defense against a charge of disparate treatment. It’s a best practice to periodically verify no bias in your selection process, whether it’s manual or computerized. Identify the chosen and excluded candidates from the interview process. Analyze whether those excluded are predominantly in a protected class. Based on your findings, you may need to make adjustments to the process.
Disparate treatment can occur during the interview process. Even when recruitment professionals work diligently to include a diverse applicant pool, hiring managers may consciously or subconsciously veer toward homogeny. It may be necessary to delve into their process for selection to determine whether disparate treatment is occurring. Look for trends and patterns: are there departments or managers who exclude equally or more qualified applicants in protected classes over those who are not?
All employees must be subject to the same terms and conditions, whether they’re in a protected class or not. The EEOC evaluates the application of equitable treatment across all categories of workers when they investigate a claim of discrimination. They make their determination by looking at ‘similarly situated' employees. This includes every aspect of employment:
When terminating employees at-will, look for patterns to assure equity. Distribute at-will separations equally among protected and non-protected workers. When terminating an employee for cause, it may be necessary to validate performance evaluations and confirm disciplinary actions were fair and legitimate. If the actions leading to the decision were not based on specific, objective infractions or policy violations, there might be disparate treatment occurring.
Disparate treatment is intentional discrimination. It comes in many forms and can occur at any stage of employment. In addition to management practices, coworkers may harass or exclude peers based on their status, creating a cause for a disparate treatment claim. A diverse workplace is a profitable workplace. Diversity thrives when employees (and applicants) are subject to the same terms and conditions of employment. Treating people differently or unfairly results in complaints, EEOC charges, and lawsuits can be the result.
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